“Are you in Chennai? Can you come? Leela Samson is dancing. I’ll send the invitation. I’ll send the directions. Will you find your way? Come.”
Drawn, I went.…
दुकानांचे आव्हान
लालसा आणि गमावलेपण यांची आपली आपली स्थानिक भाषा असते अगदी नेमकी..
समुद्र असं मनात येतं तेव्हा खाऱ्या पाण्याचा सपकारा तोंडावर बसतो
नाहीतर पायाखालची वाळू सरकत जाताना तळव्यांना…
गाणारं वाळवंट
कोण जाणे कधीपासून तो या वाळवंटातून फिरतोय. “ती बघ, ती बघ” म्हणून उठलेल्या वावटळीचं वादळात रूपांतर होताना बघतोय, त्यात सापडतोय, भरकटतोय, मूळ जागेपासून कैक दूर फेकला जातोय. मैलोनमैल…
High noon. Kalu strolls in, Rolls his amber eye. A city clay sheaths him in a Grey hoodie over the bear-black Of his coat, spotless spangle-front, Touch of lime on…
Gritty Surface
Page 2 of an encased notice board at the local office of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, with photographs in colour brought to scale and key:…
I They said the dust would settle.
II They came and went away. Away for a few days, weeks, and then years. The chairs and tables and plants watched them…
The country of my body has passed a farmaan, signed by the head, thumb forced to attest, two eyes as witnesses – I no longer belong here.
My ears…