Who Journeys:
I would travel to windows
if I try hard with my budding limbs.
Knotted & rooted
to indivisible multiplications
of existence, I admit—
though planted in me,
a whim I coppice
to long for
& journey.
Who Journeys:
bilge rats into crevices. I keep coming back
to scrubbing vinegar
belowdecks. I picture
the elephant stepping onward
legs as if of pillars
of a perpetual pavilion
forming as it walks.
I should feel the weight & wonder.
Instead of a hypostyle,
halyards, if anything
tangled. Instead of an elephant,
rats. Instead of a straight walk,
a web of journeys
as time keeps
coming back to the same barrel
on second thoughts looking for
second helpings or a stolid
corner or a curb
to hide a cloud
of anxieties in,
perpetually hungry
for attention
We call that remembering.
Who Journeys:
Place, before we know it, comes undone
from anchorage.
Unmoored which is to say moving. It’s a garden
to be pruned into being. It’s a harbor
borne by a gunny sack
still mendable. It’s a carriage house
still young with horses.
It straddles a river—
and we see fish like ferns.
As tusked, we walk across:
we speak of Rodinia and feel
as it rumbles
maps of many a journeys.
Image Credit: Suresh Kumar Singha