the daily dread
i have only one fear
and in looking for it
i have lived every other fear
i cannot find my fear
i make do with the daily dread
there is no reason here
only other peoples’ histories
their thoughts can kill
a lifetime of hunger
the lives of great men
the shoulders of giants
these are pestilent things
ask a leaf what it thinks
of gutenberg and it will
question it’s place in
the lines preceding
I have only one fear
that if I cannot find it
there will be more like me
undeniable revulsive unstoppable:
the world needs a warning
it needs to be warned off
from all speakable things
there is no reason here
just an island with a hole
filled with water where
crusoe went digging
in the hours before
he gained control
I have only one fear
and it does not know me
like strangers we rebel against
the colours that leave
the pictures we adore
there is no reason here
no audience no co-actors in the wings
no boards below the feet
all the stones have been turned
each against the other
its a quick sketch world and the sun belongs to no one
these are people.
this one’s heart is scotch taped.
that one’s a lover with a rubbery tongue.
these are houses.
some are closer to the ground.
these are people.
she is a mother is a reproducing machine.
another struggled ten years for a daughter.
these are houses.
they look different in different countries.
most have windows all have entrances.
when there are doors some people bang them down.
children while growing up used to like standing at windows.
these are people.
some worked very hard for money for family.
some families will divide some will survive.
brothers hold hands sisters share hearts.
brothers fuck up the same woman.
sisters share the scotch tape.
these are houses.
they can do nothing before a single bomb.
some people buy rubble.
you can negotiate.
you and I, we are
photographs on opposite walls
passing between us life
leaves us unaffected
the dust we gather daily
equals the dust we daily lose
you are a photographed man
I am your woman in a photograph
where we now may be, gender is a camera lens
we spoke of this, of being, of here, being here we cannot speak
I wait for the next life you promised me, silently
await a sign that can decipher me,
something to believe in
Image Credit: Vinay Sharma
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