Timing is everything She did not say “no” in the beginning. How could she? When he came seeking So desperately All the answers That seemed to lie Only within her.…
१. भीमा तीरावर केवढी ही घाई एकात एक मिसळले देह सा-यांचा मिळून एक सदेह भुमीसारखा अवजड धावतोय भरारा परग्रह पताकात पताका आभाळाचे केशर उतरली पताका वर पिवळीजर्द गर्भाळ दुपार एकेका…
Lines delicate and flowingIntersectingMeeting at pointsThen moving againNothing is random.In the map of memoryJoin the dotsSome dots sparkleConnections appear…Stories told, untoldImaginary, realClear or blurred.Stories are manySome are saidNot in many…
a surveyor/ accountant/ writer/ rewriter/ listener/ observer of ugly histories- a poem as an act of writing a past story, not a (his)tory
“our families have ugly histories”, a friend…
Failed and prolonged situationsOne day we say ‘no more!’and stop in our livesIt’s strange, how we livebetween two extremes of emotionsWe are moving onWe have kept moving on I am alone…
THE BALLAD OF THE PIPED PIPER OF INDIA (With sincere apologies to Robert Browning and trolls and all) I come from a small town in which everyone is sick We…
खरंतर सगळं स्तब्धच असतं. आपण, करिअर्स, रिलेशनशिप्स, होप्स आणि ड्रीम्स. पण आपण त्याला जोपर्यंत 'आहे' चा व्हेंटिलेटर लावलेला असतो तोपर्यंत ते सगळं श्वास घेत असतं. कसंबसं. बुडत्याला काडीचा आधार…