The Anatomy of Solitude
A broken mirror shrouds its bare murdered body hesitantly the seventh season’s bridal makeup lurks in the drawing room your feminine silhouette…
If I had my way, I will request everyone to perform Jyotiba Phule’s play, Tritiya Ratna (1865). The play breaks with the past and challenges caste conservatism. Phule was the…
'Valvacha paus', my Aji calls it. Midsummer rain. Rain that stands with one foot planted in the middle of monsoon, the other in breezy spring. Stuck, forever, between arrival and…
Dinner A lizard searches the kitchen trash can while an empty bread-packet piles on mango peels piles on newspaper-covered sanitary napkins piles on blood-soaked toilet paper from yesterday. It is…
Battle Of The Ages
Black and white, the shades of grey storm trample all reason, for black and white and they didn’t get their way. Black sits grumpy in the…
Engraving by Johann Ulrich Kraus (1690)
D u (a) l Things keep happening O what is new to foretell– scratching his soft beard, Tiresias slips into his twin-bed and dreams…
All that lies Between When and If, Has gradually evolved Into a hideous trainer, training on days and nights, Like hot lumps of charcoal, Shoved into the oven Burning in…
Gazing the Godot Spectacle. Visible, Yet inaccessible. Props, Present, Yet futile. Gesture. Made, Yet not. Script. Told, Yet not written. Waiting, An unending ephemerality. The photographs are clicked during the…
दिलीप पुरुषोत्तम चित्रे ह्यांची समग्र कविता, ‘एकूण कविता’ पॉप्युलर प्रकाशनाने नुकतीच प्रसिद्ध केली. “माझ्या ‘एकूण कविता’ वाचकांनी एकत्र पाहाव्यात अशी माझी इच्छाच नव्हती; तर तात्त्विक हट्टही होता आणि मी कवितेमध्ये…