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Three Poems: Suchita Parikh-Mundul

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    Suchita Parikh-Mundul has published her poems in Sahitya Akademi’s Indian Literature, Muse India and Cerebration. A debut collection of her poems, Liquid Apnea was published by Sampark, Kolkata in 2005. Currently, Suchita is completing a second book of poetry while freelancing.


watch as the sun drops into
the reservoir of tomorrow
and drowns in its myth;

watch as fumes of pink
film the earth for an awed fraction,
eviscerating the yellow;

watch as fading hues are corseted
by a brocade of stars,
stifling them in syncopated flashes;

watch as deep velvet simmers
with soft shades of puce,
framing humanity in blunt tones;

watch as the kiss of night
transforms twilight to darkness
while swallowing lips whole;

watch as a laced veil
descends over the scene
to paralyse breath;

watch as dark birds
mottle the lunarscape,
foreshadowing a permanent stupor;

watch as creatures recede into depths,
and the earth begins to glisten
like a dying body;

watch, at last, as darkness envelops,
and sleep transforms
to funerary peace.


I remember

I remember how green fields
dotted with gold once penetrated
psyches and inspired song;

how depths of confusion
were swallowed at
each thought –

it was a lush beauty
that lasted grudgingly,
eventually desecrated by life…

…now I remember words
that are systematically oppressed
and caged in legalities;

depressive rhapsodies
that shatter the dark,
stealing essence from breath;

motley souls
who choke on sentences
that end in recurring deaths;

a melting pot of bedlam
that christens women

borrowed lands
that are demarcated with
bloodlines and impunity;

posthumous limbs
that are cuffed by effort
and effort and effort;

I remember and remember
and remember
with no foreseeable end.



dreams leak through perforated sheets
that have been molded into buses,
their rectangular punctures
barred in a weak attempt
to secure potential.

hope pours onto streets,
melding with tar,
leaving remnants
of pliable aspiration
to gradually harden.

catalysed by the velocity
of rotating wheels,
small tornadoes of dust
blur the path

so many pairs of eyes
remain shut,
feeling the chastened wind
on their burnished skin
as they lie immovable.

distance lengthens the days,
fields supplant cityscapes,
space occupies thought
and regurgitates

the breeze blows freely
from a distant future,
unfelt by urbanity,
untouched by

Image courtesy: Shahnaz Parveen

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