Between Memory and History: Reading the familial in Amitesh Grover’s ‘WOUNDING’
In his poem, ‘By the Waters of the Sind,’ poet Agha Shahid Ali writes of the Partition of India,…
प्रगती दळवीने सर. जे. जे. कलामहाविद्यालयातून आपले शिक्षण पूर्ण केले असून ती अमूर्त कला (Abstract Art) आणि सादरीकरण प्रयोग कला (Performance Art) प्रकारात कार्य करते. प्रगती दोन मुलांची आई असून…
We may act sophisticated and worldly but I believe we feel safest when we go inside ourselves and find home, a place where we belong and maybe the only place…
No One is Seeing: Pragati Dalvi Paints a Day in Her Life LIVE
Frame: Kitchen; Portrait View
The kitchen with wooden cabinets, chimney, granite L-shaped platform, and off-white Spartex floor…
Presenting the finer nuances on fundamental spiritual approaches, Always Awakening simplifies Buddhism and Jiddu Krishnamurti for readers. The book unfolds before us in the form of conversations between erudite Tibetan Buddhist scholar…
प्रवीण दशरथ बांदेकर हे नव्वदोत्तरी मराठी साहित्यातील महत्त्वाचे कादंबरीकार आहेत. त्यांनी चाळेगत, उजव्या सोंडेच्या बाहुल्या आणि इंडियन ॲनिमल फार्म या महत्त्वाच्या कादंबऱ्या लिहिल्या आहेत. समकालीन राजकीय परिस्थितीवर भाष्य करणे हे त्यांच्या तिन्ही कादंबऱ्यांचे मुख्य अंत:सूत्र…
From Raja Ravi Varma to L.N. Tallur, Indian artists have engaged with the topic of mythology to enrich their artworks with vivid stories and imagery from the past. Shine Shivan…
Curiosity, Life and Writing Ranganath Pathare is one of the most original modern Marathi writers. Recipient of numerous awards including the Sahitya Akademi award in 1999, Pathare is known for…
कादंबरीकार निव्वळ कथनकार नसतो. म्हणजे, घेतला एक निवेदक (ती/तो/ते), एक गोष्ट निवडली, गोष्ट सांगण्याचे डावपेच वापरत विस्तार करत गेला एवढ्यापुरतेच ते नसते. म्हणजे, गोष्ट सांगणे महत्वाचे असते. पण तेवढेच नसते.…
Ritesh Meshram’s recent works In the Womb of the Land traverses the viewer simultaneously into the rural and urban backdrop through the interior landscapes of Chhattisgarh as well as the…
WASTE LAND: Expulsion of today into yesterday and tomorrow Wasteland = Landfill? Wasteland = Barren Land? Waste = Material Discard? Waste = Social Rejection? Waste = Cultural Disposition? Waste…