“…There are very small fish called Kanta. We would use these or any other small fish, wash and clean them, and marinate them with salt, turmeric powder, red chilli powder,…
Encapsulating a city within the pages of a book is no mean feat. And for a great city like Mumbai, a veritable land of dreams, a Maya Nagari—almost impossible, considering…
Heroine’s Best Friend: Nature, Metaphor, and Animism in Viralimalai Kuravanji
Portraying a heroine with a parrot as her friend and confidant has been a prominent visual tradition in the myths…
The Propagandist as an Artist: Myth, Meaning and Machine
The piece is a result of a conversation with the visual artist, Anupam Roy. It elaborates on the parameters of his…
Performing Silence: Women in the Group Theatre Movement in Bengal Author: Trina Nileena Banerjee Publisher: Oxford University Press First edition published in 2021
A scene from Angar (Directed by Utpal…
Reading the Repetitive Unity of Fort-Da: A Freudian Exercise
The earliest preoccupation of a child and, as it seems, his inevitable and ultimate preoccupation is to seek pleasure. Governed by…
The motives that underlie the reason for secrecy may be many: a simple jest, an attempt to conceal one’s guilt, an escape mechanism, or an attempt to wield power over…
Concealing Caste Identity: An Intersectional Reading of Yashica Dutt’s Coming Out as Dalit
Introduction “What if others find out?” Hiding a fact or lying to oneself or even to others…
प्रत्येक व्यक्तीचे जीवन हे तीन प्रकारात मोडते. एक – सार्वजनिक. दोन – खाजगी. आणि तीन – गुप्त. गुपित ठेवण्याचा अर्थ म्हणजे केवळ एखादी माहिती स्वतःपूर्ती मर्यादित ठेवणे एवढाच नसून तर…
The ‘Final Display 2022’ in the Department of Fine Arts, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication at the University of Hyderabad was on view from 4th to 6th June…
गॅलरीला भेट देणं हा कायमच वेगळा अनुभव असतो. पांढऱ्या शुभ्र भिंती, उंच छत आणि पिवळसर पांढऱ्या प्रकाशात मांडून ठेवलेल्या कलाकृती बघताना एका स्थळ-काळातून आपण दुसरीकडे पोहोचत असतो. बऱ्याचदा असं कुठलेही…
In the world we live in, the term ‘barrier’ bears a negative connotation: it is understood as something undesirable, a situation that needs to be resolved, an obstacle that must…