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  • queer writer & artist

    Jasmine Kaur is a Punjabi, queer writer/artist. She likes to surround herself with stories and poetics in any medium, including audio, video, still images, and performances. Some of her work has been published by EPW, VIBE, streetcake magazine, and Tilt (by QueerAbad).

.s & ?s (> / <)

what if.
i could write.
a poem that’s just punctuation.
would you read it then?
would it be readable at all?
what does it mean to read?
or maybe.
it would just be.
an image.
alt text:
periods and question marks [bracket] more or less [bracket] 
what if[period]
i could write[period]
a poem that’s just punctuation[period]
would you read it then
would it be readable at all
what does it mean to read
[inverted question mark] 
or maybe[period]
it would just be[period]
an image[period]
[semi colon][bracket]

Note: This poem was partly inspired by Carrie Jade Williams’s When I Speak Why Do I Become More Invisible? and partly by a writing group hosted by Falak Vasa for Amra Odbhuth Collective.

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