My practice is vastly influenced and marked by my shift from Odisha to Delhi and encounters with the ever-changing landscape that is evident through the recording of minute details– both…
This series of works, in collaboration with French Butoh dancer, Lucie Betz, started with the web I created as a huge installation with black and white threads . It took…
माझ्यासाठी चित्र हे अवकाशमय होत जाण्याची क्रिया आहे. मनातलं हे अवकाश, जे दिसू शकत नाही. फक्त जाणवणारं असं. मला अभिप्रेत असलेलं अवकाश असं की एखाद्या अंधाऱ्या गाभाऱ्यात हळू हळू विरत…
The dark colors of my native soil and the vast span of the Krishna river fills the mind with nature’s overpowering sublimity. The deep silence of black soil and the…
A photograph is a fallible record of a very specific encounter with a landscape. This fallibility is not tied to its material existence; instead it is evoked in the multiple…
Gazing the Godot Spectacle. Visible, Yet inaccessible. Props, Present, Yet futile. Gesture. Made, Yet not. Script. Told, Yet not written. Waiting, An unending ephemerality. The photographs are clicked during the…
भौतिकशास्त्रज्ञ वडिलांच्या सानिध्यात मोठे होताना त्यांनी सांगितलं होतं, ‘काळं’ म्हणजे प्रकाशाचा अभाव आणि ‘पांढरं’ म्हणजे सर्व रंगांचा समावेश- सगळे रंग सूर्यप्रकाशात न्ह्यायल्याने आकाश शुभ्र दिसते. माझ्याकडं एक रशियातून आणलेलं…
Growing up as a child with a physicist father, I was told that black is the absence of light. And white was the all-encompassing colour that exists – the…
"I Can't be Both": The duality of being a survivor and perpetrator of sexuak violence in one body.
“By distancing ourselves from people who have committed harm and disregarding the…
‘You were there. I could hear you, but I only caught glimpses of you in the glass. Eventually I gave in and found myself staring at myself, reflected. Looking at…
Umesh Singh comes from an agricultural family from Bihar. Due to lack of sustenance in farming, his family migrated to an urban area by abandoning their traditional occupation. This series…