कलाक्षेत्रात शिक्षण घेताना, एखाद्या विशिष्ट कला-तंत्रात प्राविण्य मिळविण्यासाठी, अभिव्यक्तीच्या वेगवेगळ्या माध्यमांवर आपलं प्रभुत्व यावं तसेच कलेच्या वेगवेगळ्या क्षेत्रात सहजतेने व्यक्त होता यावं यासाठी सराव आणि अनुकरणाद्वारे आपण बऱ्याच गोष्टी शिकत…
Ashutosh: When you started as a curator, what were the contexts and references for you?
Veerangana: I began working as a researcher on modern Indian art first under Dr Saryu…
I arrived at this body of work after encountering the concept of palindromes. Palindromes are recursive words that employ an inverted pattern of repetition; they read the same forwards and…
I am interested in studying the human condition, which reveals itself through the repetitive nature of the lived experience. I wish to develop a language of visual enquiry, which contextualises…
Historically, the body has been controlled and manipulated to fit several political, cultural and sometimes even banal contexts. Through my explorations, I pose a question on the conundrum of the body…
I work with toys mostly, Barbie in particular.
Barbie is an interesting object to explore, because these dolls are created in the image and likeness of human beings. They are…
राखाडी रंगाच्या छटांमधल्या दृश्य-प्रतिमा आपण बरेचदा मानवी अनुभवांचा तर्कशुद्धपणे विचार करूनं त्यांचे पांढऱ्या किंवा काळ्या विभागात वर्गीकरण करतो. माझं काम ह्या दोन टोकांच्या मध्ये अस्तित्त्वात असलेल्या राखाडी रंगाच्या छटांमध्ये प्रवास…
Collage perverts the social, political, and cultural specificity of images. Collage excerpts and recontextualises accepted meanings to challenge viewers to see a whole beyond the fragmented reality at the surface.…
My art practice started standardly from academic or traditional studio work before shifting to a more liberal, mobile, and versatile process since I started my master’s in Art History. With…
The ‘Final Display 2022’ in the Department of Fine Arts, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication at the University of Hyderabad was on view from 4th to 6th June…
As an artist, my works depict a distinguished category of life experience linked to the lower-income suburbs of Kolkata. Growing up in such a neighbourhood, in a joint family, under…