Nobody saw Chalapati Rao so angry and restless before. He was generally known to sport a perpetual smile on his face. At times his smile was like that of an…
[Outro] I took a heavenly ride through our silence I knew the waiting had begun And headed straight… into the shining sun She has come down now to leaving herself…
The onset of menopause made my mother grumpier. Not that we knew anything about it then. Neither did she. She did not know what was happening to her body other…
I couldn’t find my new white ribbon that mummy got me the other day. ‘Where is it, mom?’ ‘What?’ Mummy as usual was busy in the kitchen. ‘My white ribbon?…
“We won't order anything the entire week”. My brother promised mummy. My mother retorted, “You have promised the same thing in the last two days. Eating out has become your…
Many years elapsed after that day, each new day pushed the memories to the dark recesses of the mind, just like the dust that swathes a ceiling fan hides its…
माझ्या घराचे दहा कोनाडे हवेत मला दहा दिशांसारखे.. हे दहा कोनाडे हरेक घरातल्या वातावरणाचे, गंधाचे, हवेचे, हालचालींचे, आवाजांचे, एका घरातून दुसऱ्या घरात नेलेल्या वस्तूंचे, रंगांचे, अनुभवांचे. आज स्वतंत्र राहायला लागल्यावर…
This is the fifth time we’re moving houses. Usually, it goes like this: there’s no money; the rent isn’t paid; we’re asked to leave; and another good deal presents itself.…