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Somewhere under the rainbow: Prachee Batra

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  • visual Artist

    Prachee Batra is a visual Artist from Mumbai. She has recently completed her masters in Painting from M.S.University, Baroda. She has exhibited her works in several group shows.

My paintings are expression of mental experience rather than solely realistic portrayal, seeking to represent not just the objective reality, but the subjective emotions and responses that certain incidents or events arouse within me. . I often associate myself with the stories of the past to acknowledge the current environment that I live in. My works revolve around intra-personal and inter- personal relationships. My works attempts to decipher behavioural patterns; emotional investments, heartbreaks, desire and such universal issues through a personalized subjective language that relies on figurative compositions often bordering on the awkward .

My paintings have a narrative element with a use of dramatic personae. I use oil colours, watercolours, digital medium as well as blood as a means for self- expressionism for creating an engaging visual environment through dialogues and figuration. By confessing about what is supposed to be considered personal I try to suggest the unity in universal emotions.

The figure that I use in my work is a way through which I see life in all and it’s the conveyance of feeling and emotion in the nuances of suggestive movements within its spatial environment make the figure and his mind an infinite wonder to explore. I try to strip these figures to it’s bare essentials. The figures as well as the atmosphere in my paintings are energizing with stillness as if a snapshot captured from the incident.

In my works I attempt to never show the complete structure of the incident or the conversation, this I think compels the viewer to unravel the untold story or create a story for himself based on his own self experiences. I also like to deal with the idea of past, present and future related to emotional connections in my works leaving only a sense of what could have been, what it is and what it should have been which makes the entire work lie somewhere between of nowhere and anywhere.

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1 Comment

  • Parmanand Batra
    Posted 17 ऑक्टोबर , 2017 at 8:51 am

    yery good God may bless you

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