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Sealed: Samreen Sajeda

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    Samreen Sajeda is currently pursuing an MA in English Literature from the University of Mumbai. Her poems have been published in Muse India, the Indian Cultural Forum and in the Anthology of Poetry India.

The Art of Displacement

A Sapling
Is plucked
To rest

In a new garden
Flower pot
Or an old pitcher.

It breathes, blooms, wafts,
Sometimes withers
In the new air.

A Pebble
Silently watches the struggle
Proud of its armour—


Even when ruthlessly
Flung in the pool.




The Play

Your body betrays you
On every lie

Not that you stammer, no.
So well rehearsed is this play
That words prance and dance.

But soon those dodging eyes
Trapped in a slow sly smile
Speak otherwise.

At the end
All lies lie broken
When Silence becomes
A language of confession.





Her outburst
Was like an infant’s
Wailing, when

Severed from it’s womb
Before being force-wrapped
Into a silk coil of secrets.





Class— the size of an elephant!
Stale breadth intermingled
With sweat flavours the lazy afternoon.
Someone told me
“Yawning is contagious.”
Mouths ape
Eyes droop, falling into an abyss.

Somewhere at a distance
The teacher spoke—
A haze over our dazed senses.




In Labour

It is long overdue
Pain crawls
Like ants devouring flesh
On my legs, my belly.
Head hurts hard
In the bloody Summer noon
Every fibre stiffens
Every muscle rebels
Aches, pricks, pierces
The source of my misery

I can’t go on,
I can’t, I just can’t!
I’d die if I don’t pee, this moment.





I have shut my heart
To lock you out,
So that you can
Walk in at will
Wreck it
And walk out.




Be Intimate with Pain

Be intimate with pain
It won’t break trust
Unlike fickle bliss
Trespassing at will
Before slipping away
As quietly as it came.




In Labour

It is long overdue
Pain crawls
Like ants devouring flesh
On my legs, my belly.
Head hurts hard
In the bloody Summer noon
Every fibre stiffens
Every muscle rebels
Aches, pricks, pierces
The source of my misery
I can’t go on,
I can’t, I just can’t!
I’d die if I don’t pee, this moment.




A Call from Overseas

Two voices touch
one, basking in the soft sun
the other, bathed in starlight.

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