Iteration (October 2022)

Instructions from Hakara, Issue 17: repetition, guest edited by Purvi Rajpuria.
Note by Ashutosh Potdar, Editor, हाकारा । hākārā
six cents for each word
weighed and measured
to fit this poem
six cents for each word
crafted and considered
— held under your skin
six cents for each word
swirled across your tongue
— set between your teeth
no cents for the words
you spat out
in distaste or disgust
no cents for those words
you are afraid to write
or the ones you cannot speak
six cents for each word
carefully lifted
from the dictionary
and placed
on this page
a cent for learning to speak
another for learning to read
and a third for learning to write
add in your two cents worth
which leaves you just one cent
to say
what you never wanted to say
what you never meant to say
what you always hoped to hear