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Exactness: Sanjeev Sethi

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    Sanjeev Sethi is a widely published poet. He has more than 1200 poems printed or posted in venues around the world. Wrappings in Bespoke is winner of the Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux organized by the Hedgehog Poetry Press U.K.It is hisfourth book that will be issued in 2020. He lives in Mumbai, India.


If we could possess
the present
seize its significance
we wouldn’t saunter
towards chthonian streams.
Hobnobbing with hate
emerging within oneself
is to provide
nod to negativism.
absence of misliking.
To be grossed out
by self or situation
is chagrin: borne of



Camouflaged balls in air seek expression.
Ordeals wrap themselves sans oppression.
I move on and on without motive, as if
senselessness must be privy to some sense.

A shared experience need not connect one
to another. Empathy is born in enigmatic
cauldrons. Abstruse patterns govern our
goings-on. Three plus three is rarely six.



Missteps chevy me
through contours
of privation.
Fragility of kinships
follow me faithfully.
Like stitches
one never knows
which one will rupture.

Words dance on debris
of our doings.
There is more to nakedness
than what we choose to notice.
Liveliest of metaphors
attached to you
slacken their sheen.
Splitsville is an epiphonemae.



Scrape the sheath
our psalms are etched
on the contusion.
with the creator
is sapience.

Accessible matters
are arduous
without His hail.
In a one-on-one
more you give
less is the gain.
I possess
no celestial omnibus:
this is culled
from the course.
It may or may not match
with the delegacy.

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