Sunil Tambe
सुनील तांबे मराठी, इंग्रजी वर्तमानपत्रातून पत्रकार. त्यांनी रॉयटर्स मार्केट लाइट या कंपनीचे संपादक म्हणून काम पाहिले आहे. तांबे यांनी गॅब्रिएल गार्सिया मार्खेज या प्रख्यात लेखकाच्या जीवन-साहित्याचा आढावा घेणा-या मार्खेजची गोष्ट या पुस्तकाचे लिखाण तसेच फ्री व्हॉईस या रविश कुमार यांच्या पुस्तकाचा मराठी अनुवाद केला आहे.
Sunil Tambe was the Editor, Multimedia with Reuters Market Light. He started his career in Marathwada, a lesser-known regional Marathi daily from Aurangabad; gradually, moving to English newspapers with a brief stint in electronic media and finally settling down at Reuters, a global leader in news and financial information service in 2006. Sunil led the Editorial of Reuters Market Light from 2007 to 2015. As a journalist, he has travelled the length and breadth of the country covering politics, agriculture, and social issues and has also won the Jagan Phadnis Award for Investigative Journalism. He has written Marquez Chi Gosht, a Marathi book on the life and works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and his Magical Realism and has also translated two books to Marathi—Free Voice by Ravish Kumar and 21 Lessons for 21st Century by Yuval Noha Harari.
Sunil Tambe was the Editor, Multimedia with Reuters Market Light. He started his career in Marathwada, a lesser-known regional Marathi daily from Aurangabad; gradually, moving to English newspapers with a brief stint in electronic media and finally settling down at Reuters, a global leader in news and financial information service in 2006. Sunil led the Editorial of Reuters Market Light from 2007 to 2015. As a journalist, he has travelled the length and breadth of the country covering politics, agriculture, and social issues and has also won the Jagan Phadnis Award for Investigative Journalism. He has written Marquez Chi Gosht, a Marathi book on the life and works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and his Magical Realism and has also translated two books to Marathi—Free Voice by Ravish Kumar and 21 Lessons for 21st Century by Yuval Noha Harari.