Rakhi Dalal
राखी दलाल हरियाणातील एका लहान शहरात राहून आपले लेखन करतात. त्यांचे साहित्य नेदर, किताब आणि बॉर्डरलेस जर्नल अशा वेगवेगळ्या साहित्यविषयक नियतकालिकातून प्रकाशित झाले आहे. ‘बाऊंड इंडिया’ च्या निमंत्रणावरून त्यांनी केलेले फाळणीच्या आठवणींवरील लेखन बक्षीस-पात्र ठरले आहे.
Rakhi Dalal writes from a small city in Haryana. Her work has appeared in various literary magazines and journals including nether, Kitaab, Aainanagar and Borderless Journal. Her essay on the theme of Memories of Partition, invited by Bound India and judged by Aanchal Malhotra, made it to the list of winning pieces.
Rakhi Dalal writes from a small city in Haryana. Her work has appeared in various literary magazines and journals including nether, Kitaab, Aainanagar and Borderless Journal. Her essay on the theme of Memories of Partition, invited by Bound India and judged by Aanchal Malhotra, made it to the list of winning pieces.