Hemant Divate
हेमंत दिवटे यांचे चार मराठी कवितासंग्रह, तीन कवींच्या अनुवादाची पुस्तके. अनेक भारतीय आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय भाषांमध्ये (पाच इंग्रजी, दोन स्पॅनिश, प्रत्येकी एक अरेबिक, जर्मन, आयरिश, इस्टोनियन आणि कन्नड ) कवितांची अनुवादित पुस्तकं प्रकाशित. भारतासह आशिया, युरोप, लॅटिन-अमेरिकन देशांमधल्या अनेक ‘पोएट्री फेस्टिवल्स’मध्ये कविता वाचन. कविता लेखनासाठी भारतीय भाषा परिषद, कोलकाता, यशवंतराव चव्हाण पुरस्कार, जालना, दैनिक ‘लोकमत’चा ‘अक्षररंग पुरस्कार',महाराष्ट्र शासनाचा कवी केशवसुत पुरस्कार, संपादनासाठी महाराष्ट्र फौंडेशन अशा अनेक पुरस्कारांनी सन्मानित. ‘अभिधा’ आणि ‘अभिधानंतर’च्या माध्यमातून नव्वदनंतरच्या कवितेसाठी व्यासपीठ निर्माण केले. १९ वर्षे अंकाबरोबरच सुरुवातीला ‘अभिधानंतर’ व नंतर ‘पोएट्रीवाला’ या प्रकाशनाच्या वतीने मराठी, इंग्रजी, भारतीय व जागतिक भाषेतल्या कवितासंग्रहांचे इंग्रजी अनुवाद गेली २3 वर्षे प्रकाशित करणं सुरू आहे.
Hemant Divate is a Marathi poet, editor, publisher, translator and poetry activist. He is the author of eight poetry collections in Marathi. His most recent book in Marathi is Paranoia which was awarded by Govt. of Maharashtra’s Kavi Keshavsut Award. Divate’s poems have been translated into more than thirty international languages. In translation, he has a book in Spanish, Irish, Arabic, German, Estonian and Kannada apart from four in English. His poems have appeared in numerous anthologies in Marathi, English and Slovenian. He is the founder-editor of the Marathi little magazine Abhidha Nantar. Divate has participated in numerous international poetry and literature festivals across the globe. His publishing house, Paperwall Publishing has published (under its imprint Poetrywala) more than 150 poetry collections. Hemant is the founder and director of the Mumbai Poetry Festival. Hemant lives in Mumbai.
Hemant Divate is a Marathi poet, editor, publisher, translator and poetry activist. He is the author of eight poetry collections in Marathi. His most recent book in Marathi is Paranoia which was awarded by Govt. of Maharashtra’s Kavi Keshavsut Award. Divate’s poems have been translated into more than thirty international languages. In translation, he has a book in Spanish, Irish, Arabic, German, Estonian and Kannada apart from four in English. His poems have appeared in numerous anthologies in Marathi, English and Slovenian. He is the founder-editor of the Marathi little magazine Abhidha Nantar. Divate has participated in numerous international poetry and literature festivals across the globe. His publishing house, Paperwall Publishing has published (under its imprint Poetrywala) more than 150 poetry collections. Hemant is the founder and director of the Mumbai Poetry Festival. Hemant lives in Mumbai.