Rain Inside
It is raining inside me
But you can’t see,
Clouds of words enter me
But you can’t see.
It always rains in Macondo,
Do you know?
A hundred years of solitude inside me,
Do you know?
You come back from a holiday in Venice,
Too exhausted to enjoy the rains;
I stay quarantined in Oran,
Too exhausted to enjoy the rains.
The precipitation inside me
Dissolves my soul,
Distills my tears,
Dilates my heart,
Dilutes my orgasm;
You know, you see,
But you are too exhausted
Of all the rains, outside me.
Damning the Sky
There’s no answer blowing in the wind,
Summer’s not the summer that has been,
It doesn’t even rain inside
Inside the night a mid-day sun,
Inside the day a darkened night,
Birds hide at dawn,
Chirps muffled in humidity,
On sweaty skin air sticks like memory.
Shahid says, “It rains as I write this,
Mad heart, be brave.”
I look around the parched land,
It is like nostalgia,
Nothing alive will sprout out,
In the desert of dead deeds
I can plough a furrow,
Plant seeds of tomorrow,
And wait for the missing rains.
Shahid, it doesn’t rain any more,
Mad heart, how brave can you still be?
Someone must have dammed the sky.
By Bread Alone
A baker in the bakery
once hid a message
in my packet of brown bread.
At home when I unwrapped
those slices for breakfast,
I found nothing secreted.
I turned over the slices,
their dark brown margins
and their light brown centres.
There was nothing cryptic
inside the leavened spaces,
nothing I could have tasted.
So I ate it uninterpreted –
I don’t like spreading rumours
about our racial biases.