The tangible and intangible experiences I have gathered through the years have been the source for my work and in that sense the canvas is my journal. In my work…
Ha mya Prutche na darmeyaan’as, kour kun Dachun, khowur. yerre be’h aab’as, kour kun (I asked the transient ephemeral, where to? right, left. I drift in the waters, where to?)…
Speaking of journey, what comes to my mind first is shifting homes. Having seen my parents work as migrant labourers, home has never been a fixed concept for me. And…
रोज उरलेले रोज केलेले काही बाही, उरते तरीही. थोडे पानात, थोडे मनात गार काळोखाच्या फटींमधून जाणवते दिवसभरात. वाळत घातलेल्या कपड्यांमधून कुकरच्या शिट्टीमधून धुवांधार पावसाच्या सरीतून रस्त्यावरच्या गोंगाटामधून श्वासाश्वासातून. मला भीती…
When the pandemic hit India hard, the government, without thinking much about the repercussions and preparations, decided to go for a complete lockdown. The tragedy that unfolded was witnessed by…
Looking from the margins: The Art practice of Madhukar Mucharla
Contemporary Indian artists are producing the most critically engaging artworks in recent times. Nonetheless, the common kind of art one…
My most recent body of work began taking shape when the nationwide lockdown was announced in March 2020. Since then, I have been thinking about home being a limitation of…
मला पूर्वीपासून ओळखणारी माणसं अजूनही फोटोग्राफर म्हणूनच ओळखतात. पण अलीकडे मात्र ती माझी प्राथमिक ओळख नाही असंच वाटायचं. जरी मी फोटो काढायचे तरी कमाईचं आणि व्यक्त होण्याचं माध्यम म्हणून ते…
…what if we can start reading ‘a subject’ without its prepositions, isn’t it like tracing a loose trail of a gloomy vision without knowing the source of the beginning? Our…
“Dust is the opposite thing to Waste, or at least, the opposite principle to Waste. It is about circularity, the impossibility of things disappearing, or going away, or being gone.…
Dust is a kind of interface – scientific yet mundane. Within the domestic, it becomes a kind of proto-archive, a record of what occurred. For matter that co-exists with us,…