The Ethics of Repetition and Gajānan Mādhav Muktibodh’s Ek Sāhityik Kī Dāyarī
In the latter half of the deeply turbulent and agonising decade of the 1950’s, Gajānan Mādhav Muktibodh contributed…
‘Touhoide’ and Meitei Women: Exploring ‘Fear’ in Select Meitei Oral Narratives
Every evening the children of the house would sit around the silver-haired woman who narrated stories of a far-off…
Performing Silence: Women in the Group Theatre Movement in Bengal Author: Trina Nileena Banerjee Publisher: Oxford University Press First edition published in 2021
A scene from Angar (Directed by Utpal…
निर्मिती आणि पुनरावृत्ती यांचा फार जवळचा संबंध आहे. निर्मितीची प्रक्रिया ही नेहमीच एक विशिष्ट प्रकारची पुनरावृत्ती असते. आपण घर बांधतांना विटा रचतो. विटा रचणे ही खरंतर एक पुनरावृत्ती आहे. आपण…
Reading the Repetitive Unity of Fort-Da: A Freudian Exercise
The earliest preoccupation of a child and, as it seems, his inevitable and ultimate preoccupation is to seek pleasure. Governed by…
गुपित म्हणजे काय असतं हे ठाऊक व्हायच्या आधीच मला गुपितं दडवायची सवय लागली. माझ्यापेक्षा वयानं बऱ्याच मोठ्या असलेल्या एका माणसानं मला नकोसा स्पर्श केला तेव्हा मला वाटतं, मी साधारण ५…
The motives that underlie the reason for secrecy may be many: a simple jest, an attempt to conceal one’s guilt, an escape mechanism, or an attempt to wield power over…
Concealing Caste Identity: An Intersectional Reading of Yashica Dutt’s Coming Out as Dalit
Introduction “What if others find out?” Hiding a fact or lying to oneself or even to others…
Covert Operations: Acts of Secrecy and Homosexual Identity
Eye, Eye, I, I by Lee Campbell Drawing pins and mixed media on canvas (2000)
In the introduction to the catalogue of the…
Manbhumi Jhumur: A form of Cultural Counter-Narrative
Introduction Speaking of music as a political language, Robbie Liebermann says that songs offer “internal cohesion” for various groups “by reaffirming beliefs, building…
प्रत्येक व्यक्तीचे जीवन हे तीन प्रकारात मोडते. एक – सार्वजनिक. दोन – खाजगी. आणि तीन – गुप्त. गुपित ठेवण्याचा अर्थ म्हणजे केवळ एखादी माहिती स्वतःपूर्ती मर्यादित ठेवणे एवढाच नसून तर…