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Gazing the Godot: Steven George

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    Steven George is a Ph.D. Scholar at the Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia. He was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Witwatersrand (2021-2022), Summer Fellow at Michigan State University (2022) and received the Research Fellowship Award (2023) from Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society. His latest published artwork is “I Can’t Breathe”, published in Indian Electronic Literature Anthology by IIT, KSHIP.

Gazing the Godot


Yet inaccessible.


Yet futile.


Yet not.


Yet not written.


An unending ephemerality.

The photographs are clicked during the Lok Sabha election phase in India, April-May 2019. The photographs are clicked at two locations: Karampura Industrial Area, Delhi and Begusarai, Bihar. People in the photographs are either looking at or hearing a political speech or waiting for a political rally to arrive. The poem and the photos are observing eyes of the people, which have been waiting for long, and the wait never seems to end.

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1 Comment

  • Meenakshi
    Posted 10 सप्टेंबर , 2019 at 6:59 pm

    21 words ..disjointed yet create visions so powerful they make your emotions dismount from their normal high..ground
    Loved the ensuing exploration of the photographs..
    Keep your trajectory aimed at the sun..
    Brilliant..bright ..flashing warmth ..
    Bless you

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