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  • visual artist

    Snehal Goyal is a Pune based visual artist. Taking print making as her focal point, she goes beyond its traditional form to also include different media in her work. She has exhibited her work nationally and internationally.

Before I Loose Them Forever

A set of 9 etchings, about things I use every day,
objects in my surroundings.
They are things 
Things I use everyday 
They occupy the space I live in 
I make a series 
Repetitive yet individual
Their dimension, portraiture 
They are what they are, hanging. 
Want to frame them before I loose them forever…


The work Album is an artist’s book, with a set of 8 Etchings,
bonded together in an album.
It attempts to recall memories of people, spaces, experiences and conversations.
Flipping through the pages, is an experience of re-living those moments. As in the lines of  ‘Sheshlekha’ by Rabindranath Tagore:  ‘If i can once again 
I shall find that chair 
in whose embrace remains the loving message of a distant land’. 

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