Ranjit Kandalgaonkar
Ranjit Kandalgaonkar lives and works in Mumbai and his art practice primarily comprises a lens directed at the urban context of cities. Those works map vulnerability within redevelopment strategies of urbanisation or record timelines and ‘blindspots’ - alternate markers of a city that’s unraveling. A study of combative histories of reclamation and speculation has led to projects such as 'Isles amidst reclamation' and '7 Isles unclaimed'. Most of his long-term projects are research-intensive and attempt to unlock historical and contemporary data by placing the work in the context of an unseen social history. Another decade-long project named ‘Modelled Recycled Systems’ records ship-breaking practices and studies invisible shipping infrastructures. Awards & grants include Majlis Visual Arts Fellowship, UDRI Fellowship, Leverhulme Artist Residency, Harvard University SAI Artist Residency, Wellcome Trust Seed funding and a Gasworks Artist Residency. His works have been showcased at Bergen Assembly, Colomboscope Biennale, Savvy Contemporary, Bonniers Konsthall, Art Jameel, s.a.L.E Docks, WareHouse 421 as well as other galleries locally and overseas.