Özge Ersoy
ओझगे एर्सॉय हॉंगकॉंगस्थित एशिया आर्ट अर्काईव येते पब्लिक प्रोग्रॅम्स लीड म्हणून कार्य करतात. त्याचबरोबर, m-est.org या ऑनलाईन प्रकाशनाच्या व्यवस्थापकीय संपादक आहेत.
Özge Ersoy is Public Programmes Lead at Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong. She is also Managing Editor of m-est.org, an online publication conceived as an artist-centered initiative.
Özge Ersoy is Public Programmes Lead at Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong. She is also Managing Editor of m-est.org, an online publication conceived as an artist-centered initiative.