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Picture of Nilima Sheikh

Nilima Sheikh

नीलिमा शेख बडोदास्थित दृश्य कलाकार असून आपल्या कलेद्वारे त्या पारंपरिक कलांरूपांच्या क्षेत्रात कार्य करतात. अलीकडे, जर्मनीतील डॉक्युमेंटा १४ आणि हॉंगकॉंगमधील एशिया आर्ट अर्कायवनेमधे आयोजित प्रदर्शनांमधे अनुक्रमे २०१७ आणि २०१८ मध्ये त्यांच्या कलाकृतींची मांडणी केली गेली.

Nilima Sheikh is a visual artist based in Baroda, India. Since the mid-80s, Sheikh has done extensive research about traditional art forms in India, advocated for the sustainability of the practice of traditional painters, and used a wide range of visual and literary sources in her work. Her work focuses on displacement, longing, historical lineage, tradition, communal violence, and the ideas of femininity. She started exhibiting her work in 1969 and has participated in numerous group exhibitions, most recently documenta 14, Athens and Kassel in 2017. Her first museum exhibition was organized by The Art Institute of Chicago in 2014.