Madhav Khanderao Bagal
माधव खंडेराव बागल (१८९५-१९८६): भाई माधवराव बागल या नावाने सुपरिचित. प्रसिध्द विचारवंत, राजकिय आणि सामाजिक नेते, प्रतिभासंपन्न चित्रकार, सिध्दहस्त लेखक आणि महात्मा फुले व राजर्षी शाहू महाराज यांचे एकनिष्ठ अनुयायी म्हणून ओळखले जात असत. ‘हंटर’, व ‘अखंड भारत’ या नियतकालिकांचे त्यांने संपादन केले होते. ‘कला आणि कलावंत’, ‘जीवनप्रवाह’, ‘बहुजन समाजाचे शिल्पकार’ अशा लोकप्रिय ग्रंथांचे लेखक.
Madhav Khanderao Bagal (1895-1986) also known as Bhai Madhavrao Bagal, was the famous thinker, political leader, social activist, visual artist and staunch follower of Mahatma Phule and Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj. He was editor of periodicals, Hunter and Akhand Bharat. The books he has written include Kala ani Kalavant, Jeevanpravah and Bahujan Samajache Shilpakar.
Madhav Khanderao Bagal (1895-1986) also known as Bhai Madhavrao Bagal, was the famous thinker, political leader, social activist, visual artist and staunch follower of Mahatma Phule and Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj. He was editor of periodicals, Hunter and Akhand Bharat. The books he has written include Kala ani Kalavant, Jeevanpravah and Bahujan Samajache Shilpakar.