Krisha Kimbahune
कृष्णा किंबहुने लेखक, समीक्षक व भाषांतरकार आहेत. प्रथमपुरूष आणि भूमिती हा त्यांचा लघुकथा संग्रह प्रकाशित झाला आहे. अनेक नियतकालिकातून त्यांच्या कथा व समीक्षात्मक लिखाण प्रसिद्ध झाले आहे. ते साहित्य अकादमीच्या पश्चिम विभागीय कार्यालयात विभागीय सचिव म्हणून कार्यरत आहेत.
Krishna Kimbahune is a Marathi fiction writer, critic and translator. He has a collection of short stories, Prathampurush aani Bhumiti besides several short stories and critical articles published in a number of literary journals. He works as Regional Secretary, Western Regional Office in Mumbai, Sahitya Akademi, National Academy of Letters, Govt of India.
Krishna Kimbahune is a Marathi fiction writer, critic and translator. He has a collection of short stories, Prathampurush aani Bhumiti besides several short stories and critical articles published in a number of literary journals. He works as Regional Secretary, Western Regional Office in Mumbai, Sahitya Akademi, National Academy of Letters, Govt of India.