के. बी. सिंग यांचा जन्म पाकिस्तानातील लाहोर शहरात १९३३ मधे झाला. फाळणीच्या काळात लाहोर सोडून ते लुधियानाला स्थलांतरित झाले. १९६० मधे पंजाब पब्लिक सर्विस कमिशनमधे सिंग रिसर्च ऑफिसर म्हणून रुजू झाले आणि त्यांनंतर १९९१ पर्यंत ते पंजाब आणि हरियाणा राज्यात नोकरी केली. सेवानिवृत्तीनंतर ते पुण्यात स्थाईक झाले आहेत.
K.B Singh was born in Lahore city, Pakistan in 1933. Subsequently he had to leave Lahore and migrated to Ludhiana. In 1960 he joined the Punjab Public Service Commission as a research officer where he served for the governments of Punjab and Haryana from 1961 to 1991. He is currently retired and lives in Pune.
K.B Singh was born in Lahore city, Pakistan in 1933. Subsequently he had to leave Lahore and migrated to Ludhiana. In 1960 he joined the Punjab Public Service Commission as a research officer where he served for the governments of Punjab and Haryana from 1961 to 1991. He is currently retired and lives in Pune.