Arya Rothe
आर्या रोठे डॉक्युमेंटरी फिल्ममेकर आहेत. त्यांनी युरोपात डॉक्युमेंटरी फिल्मचे प्रशिक्षण घेतले असून सध्या त्या विविध डॉक्युमेंटरी प्रकल्पांवर काम करत आहेत.
Arya Rothe is a filmmaker based in India. She has received her Master’s degree in 2016 from DocNomads, a documentary directing program taking place in three European countries: Portugal, Hungary and Belgium.
Arya Rothe is a filmmaker based in India. She has received her Master’s degree in 2016 from DocNomads, a documentary directing program taking place in three European countries: Portugal, Hungary and Belgium.