Sanctified Idols
Offered sacrifices
far outweigh the receiver’s acceptance,
this is fresh sacrifice on the altar
possibly to invoke
a fresh
passionate intensity filled anxious hearts.
More desperate worshippers poured in
unperturbed by slippery sticky clay.
The grand promise of granted wishes
a secured anchor,
the look of pure innocence pasted on eager faces.
Tucked away in hidden depth
the cloaked sacrilege.
Painful is the effort at concealment.
Hopeful the Seer
will lose intensity.
Murky waters reflect blood
streaked faces.
In groups of threes… and fours.
talon nails drive home honed in intentions
of devilish proportions.
Heads bunched together
an insidious plan is hatched.
Nurtured in fake glows
and hideously carried out
it spanned across the ages.
A life
well planed
well thought out
falls apart at the stratum.
Its path long ago decided
by nameless faces…
Till bolts of vindictive thunder
Cast asunder
Peals of fiendish billows…
Beyond The Dark
A glint, a glimmer,
unpenetrating darkness.
Somewhere in the silence the incubator hummed
in sad monotones,
hatching with frightening speed demonic spawns.
Soon they will populate the atmosphere
With drawn daggers and spewed blood.
Determined they will chart a course through—
Geysers of it.
In the midst of the widening gyre
The simple is swallowed along
The wise is seen in the dark beyond
Studded emeralds!
Gifted with discernment
they ignore the ardent promises of power seekers.
Breaking Point
I see your eyes fill with tears.
I see it journeying across the desert of your face
not stopping to whisper goodbyes at dunes
not stopping even, at the bridge of the nose,
where the art of breathing
might derail intended course.
I see your face in the clear oasis of realities.
I understand the distortions that threaten to mar their features.
I understand the desert language.
Of keening sounds buried in throaty wishes
A drop. A sigh at the gates of Fevers!
Image courtesy: Wangechi Mutu
1 Comment
Mrs. Nunoo
Kudos dear poet. I personally admire your style of writing. Keep soaring